22 April 2007

Yom HaZikaron - Memorial Day

Although I wanted to go to the Kotel for the ceremony, I didn't have time to get there. Instead, I dropped off my backpack at home, grabbed a water bottle, and headed for the municipality. There wasn't a ceremony there, so I turned around and headed back home.

I was at one of the most popular areas in Jerualem when the siren started.

Everything stopped... almost.

Busses stopped. Taxis stopped. People stopped where they were, even if they were in the middle of crossing the streets.

One taxi continued driving, and two Arabs walked past me while I stood in awe of the way Israel mourns its fallen.

Coffee shops are closed. Movie theatres are closed. There will be no bowling or hanging out in pubs tonight. On television will be shows and documentaries about soldiers and victims of terror who have died. There will be ceremonies all over the country tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, the siren will sound for two minutes.

Tonight's was only one minute, but it seemed like one of the longest minutes of my life.


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