27 March 2007

Happy birthday, Kaybee Babee! (and other assorted stuff)

My baby: Today, my baby sibling turns 29. It's weird... It doesn't bother me that I'm 35, but it bothers me that she's only a year away from 30. How's that work? Anyway, happy birthday, K!!!!

Pesach: Pesach's around the corner. My bathroom's clean and nearly chametz-free (think mouthwash, toothpaste, etc.), and my bedroom's nearly done. I started on one of my sets of bookshelves last night. I have another two sets to do. I have a couple of boxes that need going through. I still need to do my kitchen. But I'm taking it a little bit at a time, plus I'm taking tomorrow off work. Hopefully I won't have to pull any all-nighters before Sunday night.

I'm trying to decide what to do about kitniyot (legumes) during Pesach. Because halachically #1, I'm not bound by family custom since my family doesn't have a specific custom and #2, there seems to be basis for changing one's custom when moving to Eretz Yisrael anyway, I am free to choose to eat kitniyot if I wish.

I thought I had it all decided, but I have a new officemate who happens to also be a rabbi, and we've been having some discussions. He's bringing me sources today or tomorrow so I can do some research and make a decision.

Work: I'm having a hard time lately. My company has made some business decisions that I don't morally agree with. The problems are that #1, I get paid a pretty good salary for Israel and #2, I love most of the people I work with. Add into that my lack of fluent Hebrew (I know, I know, I need to work on that), and it's hard for me to leave my company. I'm still keeping my eyes out for something else, but I'm hoping that before too long I'll be able to take a technical writing class and go into that field. (I would have taken one by now, but the schedule of classes conflicts seriously with my work schedule.)

Life: My three-month plan toward self-improvement has been mostly a success. I'm getting in better shape mentally, physically and spiritually. So in four days, I'll start a new and improved version of my three-month plan.

That's about it for now. I'll try to update when I have a decision on the kitniyot... I'm sure you're all just waiting on the edges of your seats while I decide what to do.


Blogger benjamin1974© said...

Happy b'day to your sister whom I don't know personally but I did hear a lot about her from you...

I know, Pesach cleaning and decisions toward what should we keep or not it can be a pain...

Work, I know the feeling... I'm moving... from a different department ... (cross-fingers).

Three months period... good for you, I really need that too but since we are going to be neighbors we will be able to walk together.... to the shuck back and forth... hehehhe

1:37 AM  

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