05 April 2007

Kitniyot, a guy named Shelton, and a tumble


Houston, it's a go on the kitniyot.

I'm still not sure about rice, but when it comes to legumes, I've decided I'm eating them. It's a combination of things that worked toward that decision, but the biggest part of it was that in my heart, it's more important to grow toward a unified Am Yisrael (people of Israel) than it is to hold on to a tradition that even people who keep it agree is pretty dumb.

A guy named Shelton:

Shelton Kang was a neat man who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2002, lost his wife in 2003, and yet kept such amazingly high spirits that most people who had any sort of contact with him -- even through the Internet -- will remember him as someone who lifted spirits.

I knew Shelton only through his posts on the mailing lists, and through posts by his sister, Harriet. Harriet actually stayed with me when she was in Israel a couple of years ago, although I'd originally met her at the Phoenix half marathon in 2004.

Shelton and Harriet were supposed to go on vacation together about a week or so ago... but as they were preparing, Shelton went into cardiac arrest and died.

At the moment, I'm remembering his ability to see the positive in almost any situation... his talent for making people feel better... and his perseverance, despite his illness.

A tumble:

Today, long story short, I took a short trip on my way into work. It was a trip of about a foot or two, during which time the inside of my pant leg accumulated most of the skin from my right knee, and the sidewalk took the skin from my right hand. Both my knees are swollen, and the raw skin burns... but thank G-d nothing's broken, and I'm sure I'll heal within a few days.

It'll be frustrating to not be able to exercise like I've been lately, but I'll do some alternative exercise of some sort instead.

And if I start to get lazy and think about how I don't feel like exercising, I'm going to remind myself of Shelton.


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