01 December 2006

World AIDS Day

I almost forgot about it, until I went to Google something and saw it on the Google homepage. Go Google!

I remember when AIDS didn't exist.

I remember when it was considered the "gay plague."

I remember when AIDS in America was automatically a death sentence.

From Wikipedia:

"Globally, between 33.4 and 46 million people currently live with HIV. In 2005, between 3.4 and 6.2 million people were newly infected and between 2.4 and 3.3 million people with AIDS died, an increase from 2003 and the highest number since 1981."

More than half a million of those who died were children.

Also from Wikipedia:

"Sub-Saharan Africa remains by far the worst affected region, with an estimated 21.6 to 27.4 million people currently living with HIV. Two million [1.5–3.0 million] of them are children younger than 15 years of age. More than 64% of all people living with HIV are in sub-Saharan Africa, as are more than three quarters (76%) of all women living with HIV. In 2005, there were 12.0 million [10.6–13.6 million] AIDS orphans living in sub-Saharan Africa 2005"

(For more from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aids)

Bono, and Bobby Shriver - chairman of DATA, founded (RED) - a way cool way of raising money and awareness.


Basically, (RED) companies will donate part of the profit for some of their (RED)-designated products to help educate and treat HIV and AIDS.

I don't necessarily agree with all of their hype (as in, why not donate money directly instead of buying a $35 t-shirt?), but I definitely believe it'll increase awareness.

I learned about most of this stuff from my sibling when I was home last week. Thanks for the education, K!

Now, in honor of World AIDS Day, I'm gonna pop my RENT DVD in while I get ready for Shabbat. "Actual reality - act up, fight AIDS!"


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