03 September 2006

Are you really from Jerusalem?

I was playing games at pogo.com on Friday, when someone else popped into the room in which I was playing.

The conversation went something like this:

(With no "hi" or anything before this...)

"Are you really from Jerusalem?"


"Well, I'm not from here, but I live here now."

"How do you get internet?"

Are you freakin' kidding me?

So I politely answered that Israel has amongst the highest number of home computers and internet connections per capita of anywhere in the world.

The answer I got?


What makes this even better is the fact that just about every day, I have to explain to people in Israel that about two-thirds of the members of the U.S.'s biggest internet provider are still using dial-up access.

"With a modem? Why?"

From here, it looks a lot more like the U.S. is backwards technologically.


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