04 August 2006

Just because you're paranoid...

The article linked below is about the media's coverage of the new Israel-Lebanon War.

Wouldn't it be something different if the news media organizations said to the Terrorist Propaganda Machine that they refused to cover the situation unless given the ability to publish honest reports?



And while the International Red Cross finally accepted Israel's Magen David Adom into its inner circle, and while it is ostensibly "neutral," it also has already begun taking sides in this conflict.

When people began questioning the handling of the Qana bombing, the ICRC said pretty much that it has more important things to do than help figure out if the bodies were people actually killed in the Qana building, or if they'd been dead for longer.

The ICRC is also complaining about the "humanitarian crisis" in Lebanon, but not concerned with the hundreds of thousands of Israeli people (including Arabs, mind you) who've been living in bomb shelters for the last three weeks.

And the world is being told about the million Lebanese who've been forced from their homes, but not about the Israelis who are crowding into tiny rooms and apartments in the central and southern regions, also living off the generosity of others. Because Arabs can be refugees, but apparently Jews aren't allowed.


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