17 September 2007

Mean doctors suck

My ear's been hurting -- or rather, a spot behind and just under my ear -- and I decided that the pain was bad enough I should really go to a doctor. I might not have done it, except that the pain was actually getting worse throughout the morning, and I had co-workers who would help me find a doctor and make the appointment for me.

Mind you, I hate going to the doctor. I've had too many mean, inconsiderate doctors in my life, and I avoid them as much as possible. But it hurts, so I went.

Here's the gist of the exchange:

Me: My ear hurts.

Dr. Butthead: Do you have problems with your ears?

Me: No. I get ear infections a couple of times a year, but they usually go away on their own.

Dr.: Temperature?

Me: No, I don't think so.

Dr.: Come sit over here. (Pulls out ear checker and checks my ears and throat) Well, except for too many earrings, I am happy to say I don't see anything wrong.

(Exchange about how yes, in fact there is something wrong... check again... maybe it's your jaw... maybe it's a tooth problem... nope, don't feel any swelling, everything seems fine.)

Dr.: Come over here, so I can check your blood pressure. (Sees my tattoo. Pushes my sleeve up even more so he can see it.) Oh, nice. (said in a very snotty tone of voice)

Me: (Trying to be polite) Yeah, well, nothing I can do about it now.

Dr: Why not? There's surgery. Laser.

Me: I don't have a psak (ruling according to Jewish law) that says I can. In fact, I've been told not to, because it's a health risk. (Thinking that I would not have it removed anyway, but whatever...)

Dr: Really? A health risk? (Still being snotty)

Me: Yes.

Dr: (while taking blood pressure) Do you have any problems with blood pressure in your family? (As he's checking mine three times, seemingly because he doesn't believe that someone my size could have a healthy blood pressure level.

Me: No.

Dr: 110/85. That's okay. (Me thinking: Okay? It's great, you moron. And it would be even better if I wasn't stressed about being at a doctor's office. Whatever.)

Dr continues: You know your weight is a problem.

Me: Yes, I know. I've already lost _____ kilos. (Insert large number in blank space)

Dr: (*laughing*) Really?

Me: Yes. (You asshole.)

Dr: What have you been doing?

Me: Watching what I eat. Exercising a lot.

Dr: Keep it up. A lot of it.

Me: (speechless. Did he frickin' just say that? Is he really that big of an asshole? This is exactly why I do NOT NOT NOT NOT go to doctors.)

He was so snotty. And the end of it is that he says I have a swollen lymph node. Maybe I'm getting sick. I should try and disregard the pain, but if it's really bad, I should take a Tylenol or an Advil. If it gets worse, he'll see me again (Like hell he will).

I left the office and started crying. I came back to my office and cried some more. One of my co-workers threatened to kill him for me. Another one said I should take her back up to his office and she'll take care of him for me. Another one is going to check with his father-in-law who is a big macher with one of the health funds, to see if there have been any other complaints against this guy.

So I still have a swollen lymph node. I still have no doctor. But at least I know I have really cool co-workers, who I am happy I can call "friends."


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