04 July 2010

(sigh) I guess it's time

My poor mother. She's been politely asking me for months to update this blog. And I, being the forever disobedient, stubborn and lazy daughter, haven't done so.

But here I am, finally.

FYI, I think part of the reason I haven't updated is because of facebook... I figure almost anyone who knows me well enough to care what's going on in my life must be my friend on facebook -- so they know I'm fine and happy, and there isn't much more to say beyond that.

But I don't post that much on facebook anymore, either, so I guess it's time to at least update here. :)

So what's been going on at my end of the swamp?

Well, I'm busy at work, thankfully. And even more thankfully, I still love my job, and love the place I work. I feel incredibly blessed to work in an environment that seems to be as similar to having a giant, mostly understanding family as possible.

More importantly, I'm still ridiculously in love with my husband and being married to him. I have heard so many people talk about how hard the first year of marriage is. I guess it must be true, but I haveta say -- it isn't nearly as hard as living alone for most of my adult life was. Sure, there has been a learning curve, but it's been mostly fun and exciting... like taking the awesomest field trip, with the awesomest teacher.

We went to Sweden for two weeks at the end of May. That was an interesting trip. My husband's parents don't speak any English at all, and although his brother speaks some, his brother doesn't live with his parents. So either my husband had to translate for us, or we made due most of the time. His mom had bought an English/Swedish dictionary, and I had learned a bit of Swedish before we went... and it wasn't nearly as hard or stressful as either one of us had originally thought it might be.

And his parents are just great -- they're kind and funny, and they spoiled us rotten.

The last few days of our trip were spent with a friend of mine from our WUJS days, in southern Sweden. That was an interesting experience, because I didn't know her husband, and she didn't know my husband, and our lifestyle is vastly different from their lifestyle. But my friend and I had a great time, and we let our husbands do their thing without us most of the time. The extra bonus was their two-year-old daughter, who was just adorable and SO much fun to hang out with.

Now, there's a part of me that would like to just end this post and say that's it for what's going on in our lives... but then I'd be lying, and I'm not so good at that.

One of the biggest reasons I haven't posted in a few months (besides the laziness, of course) was that I couldn't talk about the biggest thing going on in our life -- I could have, I guess, but I didn't want to.

See, in our community it's considered as if we're inviting the Evil Eye (G-d forbid!) if we talk about pregnancy openly. And even when we find out that someone's pregnant, we do NOT say "congratulations" or "mazel tov", because again -- it's as if we're inviting trouble. We say "b'sha'ah tova," which means, "in a good hour". We wish women health and happiness and an easy pregnancy, but we do NOT congratulate them on something that hasn't successfully happened yet.

So for the last almost five months, I have been avoiding posting, and avoiding friends, and even avoiding emailing certain people, because I felt that without being able to share something so important to me, I would be lying by omission.

G-d willing, we are due at the beginning of November. My poor mother and father were put in a situation where we told them, but asked them not to tell anyone at all -- for 11 weeks! And G-d bless them, they kept it quiet.

But we're slowly coming out of the closet -- well, it was slowly, until this post, I guess.

But I do ask, very sincerely -- please don't post about it on my facebook, and do not say "congratulations" or "mazel tov". It's too early. G-d willing, sometime around the beginning/middle of November, we'll have plenty of time for those.

Right now, we would be very happy for prayers and happy thoughts, that our baby should be born healthy, and Baby's momma (me!) should be healthy, and there should be no complications along the way.

And *now*, I can say that's about it for what's going on in our lives.

I was going to rant a bit about politics, but I'd rather go finish my dinner.

Hope ya'll are well.


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