09 January 2009

There is no such thing as a cease fire with these people

When you're watching the news, please try to remember that.

I as I wrote before -- during the last cease fire, almost 300 rockets were shot into Israel.

Meanwhile, they stocked up on newer and stronger weaponry -- so now instead of "only" shooting rockets 3-5 miles into Israel -- they go 30-40 miles into Israel.

If there is another "cease fire" before our holy soldiers can go in and destroy the terrorist infrastructure, we'll be doing this AGAIN in six months -- except next time, we'll be lucky if their rockets don't go 50-100 miles into Israel.

Hamas says repeatedly -- they want to destroy Israel.

This is not about the civilians in Gaza.

This is about the right of the citizens of a sovereign, recognized country -- Israel -- to live in peace.

We voted in our government. The civilians in Gaza voted in their government.

We paid and are paying the price for our decisions. They are paying the price for their decisions.

Democracy may be one of the best options available -- but you can't play the democracy game and then refuse to take responsibility for your votes.

Hamas still has Gilad Shalit in captivity -- as far as we know. They refuse -- REFUSE -- to follow the international red cross' rules of allowing visitors -- even IRC visitors -- to visit him, send in packages, find out the status of his wellbeing, etc.

Hamas has NEVER, to my knowledge, followed any international ruling they disagreed with -- UN or otherwise.

We need to fight this fight in the way it needs to be fought -- and if that means standing up against the UN, so be it.

Please, G-d, let my government have the strength and tools to do it.

Shabbat shalom.


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