01 August 2008

Not Awake, Might As Well Post

Well, that's a silly title, right? Yet true... I'm sitting and drinking my coffee, and trying to get my brain function raised to the minimum level it needs before I can figure out what I need to do today, and in what order.

I've never been a person who easily functions well in the mornings. Thankfully, I'm blessed with a mother who understands that, and a father who's also a night person. I really feel bad for night people who don't have either one of those.

Here I am, 36.8ish years old, and I've learned to function, though not easily and not well, before 9:30 or so in the morning. But I cannot tell you how many times I have had to defend my nightpersonness in the course of my life.

Non-night people seem to think it's just a situation of mind over matter. You should want to get up early and do things, and then 'cause you want to, you'll be able to do it.

Who said I didn't want to? Not me... 'Cause pretty much all of society on this planet has been designed for non-night people, so my life sure would be easier if I could simply decide one day that I wasn't going to be a night person anymore.

At my last job, most of my co-workers were particularly sympathetic, and they learned that it wasn't a good idea to speak with me before 10am, unless it was a matter of particular urgency. And it's not that I couldn't answer whatever they wanted to ask -- it's just that I didn't think whatever they had to ask was important for me to answer at 9:15am.

I had one particularly naive and daring co-worker and officemate who decided it was his responsibility to teach me that Torah says I should be waking up in the morning like a lion, ready to greet the day. He forgot that a lion can bite human heads off... though he grasped the concept fairly quickly.

Most people have a time of day at which they function best, and a time of day at which they don't function well. If their body rhythms don't match up with society's, then unfortunately, they probably never function at their peak capability.

How sad is it that there's this whole group of people for whom their true potential may never be revealed, just 'cause they're forced to be up and active when they function the most poorly, and have to sleep at times their bodies don't particularly want to? Bummer.

And how useless was this post? :)

But I'm now awake enough to at least get some outside clothes on and go buy eggs, so I can come home and finish waking up while I make challah. And I fulfilled the mitzvah of honoring my mother, since she's the one who suggested I post.

I'll probably update again fairly soon, actually... it's a pretty heavy time right now, politically, religiously, astrologically, and personally (not necessarily heavy in a "bad" way), so I have lots to say.

I just need to wake up first.


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