02 April 2008

Six Days Later

My race recovery complete, I am finally (as evidenced by the post below) getting around to updating again.

Thursday afternoon I ended up going shopping for some of the hippie clothes that I've been desperately wanting. I figured it was incentive to make sure that even though the half marathon was over, I would keep working on staying in shape.

I then went and bought a pizza -- mushrooms and onions -- and proceeded to bring it home and eat the entire thing. I think it's about the size of an American "small" pizza, maybe a "medium." I think it was eight slices. And it was freakin' awesome.

Until that night, when my stomach was UN-thrilled about processing it. I ended up waking up several times during the night to use the restroom -- but I wasn't getting any rest. :(

(I still say the pizza was worth it.)

Between walking to and from the race, running the race itself, and all the walking around I did afterward, I think I ended up actually walking/running about 35 kilometers on Thursday. (20ish miles)

Friday I needed to hit the Jewish bookstore and pick up a couple of books, and buy eggs, and then I could come home and focus on recovering and getting ready for Shabbat.

By Sunday, all the soreness was gone. I was going to try and run Sunday night, but when a friend of mine declined to go with me, I couldn't make myself step outside the house. I did, however, wake up early and go run 5k on the dreadmill at the gym on Monday.

And today being Wednesday, I am planning on hitting the gym at the end of the work day today.

Thank G-d for such a wonderfully easy recovery. I'm still gonna lose at least one toenail, but that toe's used to it by now :)


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